Project Description:
The USD 267 Renwick Bond Projects include building expansions for advanced learning opportunities and facility efficiencies, specialty education and athletics enhancements and safety and security improvements. The $28M bond issue will fund the following projects.
Andale High School
- New secured/ADA accessible entry
- New bus drive
- New FFA/Industrial Arts Rooms
- Gymnasium connection to Main Building
Andale Elementary School
- New entry security
- New Storm Shelter/PBL Classroom
- New Locker Rooms and Storage Area renovation
- Renovation at Upper Floor Middle School area
- Restroom renovation
- Fire Alarm/Electrical upgrades
Colwich Elementary School
- Entry security updates
- ADA Playground
- Building consolidations
- Mechanical System upgrades
Garden Plain High School
- New entry security
- Building connection expansions
- New Performing Arts Auditorium
- Four new Classrooms to replace FACS Building
- Renovated and expanded Industrial Arts
- FFA facilities moved to existing Tech Building
Garden Plain Elementary School
- New secure entry, office area and restroom renovation
- New Storm Shelter/Band Room
- ADA Playground
- Expanded parking
St. Mark’s Elementary School
- Entry security updates
- Additional Gymnasium space
- Expanded parking and access
- Window improvements
Project Details:
Andale, Colwich, Garden Plain & St Marks, KS