News Release
SPT Architecture Announces
Three New Partners

News Release SPT Architecture Announces Three New Partners

SPT Architecture Announces Three New Partners

SPT Architecture is pleased to announce three new firm partners have been named: Jeff Koch, AIA, Managing Partner; Kristine Pafford, AIA, Partner; and, Luke Dolechek, AIA, Partner.

Jeff Koch joined the firm in 2023 with over 30 years of design experience. “Jeff is a tremendous asset to our firm and offers our clients valuable expertise in hospitality and multifamily residential design,” said Greg Tice, Managing Partner. “Jeff is an outstanding architect who has quickly become familiar with our long-term clients and continues to build relationships with new clients through his exceptional work and commitment. We look forward to his continued success as a partner of the firm.”

Kristine Pafford joined the firm in 2002 and Luke Dolechek joined in 2007. Greg Tice shared, “Kristine and Luke have been with SPT since they graduated, and each have grown with the firm and have made huge contributions to our ongoing success. Kris and Luke each bring unique qualities to the partnership, and they will be instrumental in our continued growth.”

Jeff, Kristine, and Luke join firm partners Randy Phillips, Greg Tice, Rebecca Gates, Brad Teeter, Gina Loomis, and Dave Wells.